What situations can I report?

You contact the Whistleblower Channel to report actions that are in disagreement with TPC's Code of Conduct, internal rules, current legislation and/or other actions that may cause damage to any activity of the Company, its employees, shareholders and other interested parties.

See some examples of irregularities:

1 Assault Intentional bodily injury.
2 Moral Harassment / Threat Physical, sexual or verbal violence, discrediting the victim in front of colleagues, superiors or subordinates, Isolation and refusal to communicate, criticizing their work unfairly or excessively, among others.
3 Sexual harassment Unwanted jokes, comments, petting or requests for sexual favors, intimidation, threats, reprisals, denial of promotion, dismissal or other injustice resulting from a refusal of sexual favors.
4 Gifts, Presents, Entertainment and Hospitality Receiving or offering these origins to favor negotiation between TPC and partners.
5 Conflict of Interest Using company equipment for private purposes, using privileged information for their own benefit, an active employee who has a commercial relationship with a TPC service provider, contracting a family relationship outside the rules established by the company.
6 Corruption with public body Negotiations carried out with a public agent or any public administration body illegally or outside the standards determined by the company.
7 Non-compliance with Internal Policies, Standards or Procedures Failure to comply with any item mentioned in the code of conduct, as well as in any policy or procedure defined for TPC's business and Group companies.
8 Destruction or damage to company assets Misuse of vehicles belonging to TPC, or some other equipment.
9 Discrimination Discrimination based on religion, disability, race or gender.
10 Donations and Sponsorships Donations and sponsorships that present risks or that do not comply with the Company's Corporate Policy.
11 Favoring suppliers, customers or other interested parties Negotiations carried out with suppliers outside the standards defined by the company.
12 Fraud, Bribery or Payment of Kickbacks Corruption, falsification of documents, registration, accounting and tax fraud, money laundering, bribery or kickbacks.
13 Irregularities in the financial statements and / or management reports Tampering, manipulating or omitting company information/data in reports that are disclosed internally and to the external public.
14 Pedophilia Adults (men and women) who have a sexual preference for children - boys or girls, of the same sex or of a different sex, usually prepubescent (who have not yet reached puberty) or at the beginning of puberty.
15 Love or kinship relationship with direct reporting Employees who have a love or family relationship directly with their direct manager.
16 Robbery, theft or misuse Robbery or theft of a company asset, to an employee or a customer (during the fulfillment of a contract with the company), any form of diversion of resources, among others.
17 Child, slave or forced labor Child Labor - Brazilian law prohibits any type of work for children under 14 years of age. Work from this age onwards is only allowed as an apprentice, in an activity related to professional qualification. Slave labor - Present degrading working conditions, exhausting hours (excessive effort or work overload), forced labor
18 Use of alcohol, drugs or carrying weapons Use of alcoholic beverages, drugs or carrying weapons in the workplace. Situations in which employees present themselves drunk to carry out activities.
19 Misuse of company resources Use of company assets for private purposes.
20 Leakage or misuse of information Disclosure of confidential company information or sharing of internal files owned by the company or its customers (whose information is in the company's care), as well as confidential information from a process being transmitted to a competitor, through an internal employee.
21 Violation of Labor Laws Failure to comply with labor laws applicable to the company's activities, as well as compliance with working hours.
22 Violation of Environment Laws Disposal of material in the wrong place; notifications not reported by management.
23 Violation of Tax Laws Failure to comply with all tax laws related to the Company's activities, such as the issuance of an irregular invoice.
24 Violation of Laws - Others Failure to comply with other laws related to the company's activities.

Facilitate the analysis and handling of the complaint, try to gather as much information as possible, such as:
Name of the Involved, Place, Time, Actions, Documents that prove the complaint (photo, video, Whatsapp message or others that prove the investigation process)