This channel is available to employees, customers, suppliers and other audiences that interact with SLC Agrícola, for safe and, if desired, anonymous communication of conduct that violates the Code of Ethics and Conduct, internal rules of SLC Agrícola, or current legislation.

Its premises include confidentiality, the possibility of anonymity, and non-retaliation against the whistleblower in good faith.

The channel must also be used to record reports about corruption, fraud, and other irregularities provided for in the Brazilian federal anti-corruption law No. 12,846/2013 and its regulations.

It is available 24/7 and can be accessed by phone, through the application or directly through the website.

The information recorded here will be received by Contato Seguro, which is an independent and specialized company, ensuring absolute secrecy and appropriate dealing of each situation. You can get more information in the menu above.