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The Ethics Channel is a way to expand our commitment to transparency and ethics. This independent, confidential and impartial tool is available to the external and internal audiences of 3tentos and TentosCap.

You are in a secure and confidential environment, hosted outside the 3tentos and TentosCap System (or environment), and managed by Contacto Seguro.


The records of complaints, suggestions and queries can be made through the website or application. The Channel is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Calls are always free, from anywhere in the country. It is not necessary to identify yourself, and anonymity is guaranteed.

Explanation of the flow of a record in the Contato Seguro channel. Anonymous Whistleblower reports through: phone with Psychologists, available 24 hours a day; form by the Site; App. The record is received by Contato Seguro specialists and then released to the Responsible Committee. Explanation of the flow of a record in the Contato Seguro channel. Anonymous Whistleblower reports through: phone with Psychologists, available 24 hours a day; form by the Site; App. The record is received by Contato Seguro specialists and then released to the Responsible Committee.

Don't worry: there is no registration of computer's IP, nor any way of tracing the calls. Our tool is external and, thus, anonymity and confidentiality will always be guaranteed, confirming or not the complaints done.